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Write a Theme

To get started, we recommend you use our generator for scaffolding your first theme

$ npm init slidev-theme

Then you can modify and play with it. You can also refer to the official themes as examples.


A theme can contribute to the following points:

  • Global styles
  • Provide default configurations (fonts, color schema, highlighters, etc.)
  • Provide custom layouts or override the existing one
  • Provide custom components or override the existing one
  • Extend UnoCSS configurations
  • Configure tools like Shiki and Monaco


Themes are published to the NPM registry, and they should follow the conventions below:

  • Package name should start with slidev-theme-, for example, slidev-theme-awesome
  • Add slidev-theme and slidev in the keywords field of your package.json


To set up the testing playground for your theme, you can create with the following frontmatter, to tell Slidev you are using the current directory as a theme.

theme: ./

Optionally, you can also add some scripts to your packages.json

// package.json
  "scripts": {
    "dev": "slidev",
    "build": "slidev build",
    "export": "slidev export",
    "screenshot": "slidev export --format png"

To publish your theme, simply run npm publish and you are good to go. There is no build process required (which means you can directly publish .vue and .ts files, Slidev is smart enough to understand them).

Theme contribution points follow the same conventions as local customization, please refer to the docs for the naming conventions.

Default Configurations

Available since v0.19

A theme can provide default configurations via package.json.

// package.json
  "slidev": {
    "defaults": {
      "aspectRatio": "16/9",
      "canvasWidth": 980,
      "fonts": {
        "sans": "Robot",
        "mono": "Fira Code"

Fonts will be auto-imported from Google Fonts.

Learn more about fonts and frontmatter configurations.

Theme Metadata

Color Schema

By default, Slidev assumes themes support both light mode and dark mode. If you only want your theme to be presented in a designed color schema, you will need to specify it explicitly in package.json

// package.json
  "name": "slidev-theme-my-cool-theme",
  "keywords": [
  "slidev": {
    "colorSchema": "light" // or "dark" or "both"

To access the dark mode when creating your theme styles, you can wrap the dark-mode-specific CSS inside a dark class:

/* general css here */

html:not(.dark) {
  /* light mode css here */

html.dark {
  /* dark mode css here */

Slidev toggles a dark class on the page's html element for switching color schema.


Syntax highlighting colors are also provided in the theme. For example ./setup/shiki.ts. Refer to the syntax highlighting docs for more information.

Slidev Version

If the theme is relying on a specific feature of Slidev that is newly introduced, you can set the minimal Slidev version required to have your theme working properly:

// package.json
  "engines": {
    "slidev": ">=0.19.3"

If users are using older versions of Slidev, an error will be thrown.

Released under the MIT License.