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Layouts ​

This page lists all the built-in layouts provided by Slidev. These layouts can be used via the layout option in the frontmatters of your slides.

Note that

may provide additional layouts or override the existing ones. To add your own layouts, see .

center ​

Displays the content in the middle of the screen.

cover ​

Used to display the cover page for the presentation, may contain the presentation title, contextualization, etc.

default ​

The most basic layout, to display any kind of content.

end ​

The final page for the presentation.

fact ​

To show some fact or data with a lot of prominence on the screen.

full ​

Use all the space of the screen to display the content.

image-left ​

Shows an image on the left side of the screen, the content will be placed on the right side.

Usage ​

layout: image-left

# the image source
image: /path/to/the/image

# a custom class name to the content
class: my-cool-content-on-the-right

image-right ​

Shows an image on the right side of the screen, the content will be placed on the left side.

Usage ​

layout: image-right

# the image source
image: /path/to/the/image

# a custom class name to the content
class: my-cool-content-on-the-left

image ​

Shows an image as the main content of the page.

Usage ​

layout: image

# the image source
image: /path/to/the/image

You can change the default background size (cover) by adding the backgroundSize attribute:

layout: image
image: /path/to/the/image
backgroundSize: contain
layout: image-left
image: /path/to/the/image
backgroundSize: 20em 70%

iframe-left ​

Shows a web page on the left side of the screen, the content will be placed on the right side.

Usage ​

layout: iframe-left

# the web page source

# a custom class name to the content
class: my-cool-content-on-the-right

iframe-right ​

Shows a web page on the right side of the screen, the content will be placed on the left side.

Usage ​

layout: iframe-right

# the web page source

# a custom class name to the content
class: my-cool-content-on-the-left

iframe ​

Shows a web page as the main content of the page.

Usage ​

layout: iframe

# the web page source

intro ​

To introduce the presentation, usually with the presentation title, a short description, the author, etc.

none ​

A layout without any existing styling.

quote ​

To display a quotation with prominence.

section ​

Used to mark the beginning of a new presentation section.

statement ​

Make an affirmation/statement as the main page content.

two-cols ​

Separates the page content in two columns.

Usage ​

layout: two-cols

# Left

This shows on the left


# Right

This shows on the right

two-cols-header ​

Separates the upper and lower lines of the page content, and the second line separates the left and right columns.

Usage ​

layout: two-cols-header

This spans both


# Left

This shows on the left


# Right

This shows on the right

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