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Getting Started ​

Slidev (slide + dev, /slaɪdɪv/) is a web-based slides maker and presenter. It's designed for developers to focus on writing content in Markdown. With the power of web technologies like Vue, you are able to deliver pixel-perfect designs with interactive demos to your presentation.


You can learn more about the rationale behind this project in


Create Slides ​

Try it Online ​

Start Slidev right in your browser with StackBlitz:

Create Locally ​

Requires Node.js >= 18.0 installed.

Run the following command to create a new Slidev project locally:

npm init slidev@latest
pnpm create slidev
yarn create slidev

Follow the prompts to start your slides project. The slides content is in, which initially includes demos of most the Slidev features. For more information about the Markdown syntax, please check


Single file usage (not recommended)

If you prefer to have a single Markdown file as your slides, you can install the Slidev CLI globally:

npm i -g @slidev/cli
pnpm i -g @slidev/cli
yarn global add @slidev/cli

Then, you can create and start a single file slides via:


Basic Commands ​

Slidev provides a set of commands in its CLI. Here are some common ones:

To run these commands, you can add them to your package.json scripts (which has been done for you if the project was created via npm init slidev):

  "scripts": {
    "dev": "slidev --open",
    "build": "slidev build",
    "export": "slidev export"

Then, you can simply run npm run dev, npm run build, and npm run export.

For more information about the CLI, please check the CLI guide.

Setup Your Editor ​

Since Slidev uses Markdown as the source entry, you can use any editor you prefer to create your slides. We also provide tools to help you edit you slides more conveniently:

Help you better organize your slides and have a quick overview of them.
Edit your slides source file alongside the presentation.
Use the Prettier plugin to format your slides.

Join the Community ​

It's recommended to join our official Discord Server to get help, share your slides, or discuss anything about Slidev.

If you're encountering bugs, feel free to open an issue on GitHub.

Tech Stack ​

Slidev is made possible by combining these tools and technologies.

Released under the MIT License.