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LaTeX ​

Slidev comes with LaTeX support out-of-box, powered by KaTeX.

Inline ​

Surround your LaTeX with a single $ on each side for inline rendering.


Block ​

Use two ($$) for block rendering. This mode uses bigger symbols and centers the result.

\nabla \cdot \vec{E} &= \frac{\rho}{\varepsilon_0} \\
\nabla \cdot \vec{B} &= 0 \\
\nabla \times \vec{E} &= -\frac{\partial\vec{B}}{\partial t} \\
\nabla \times \vec{B} &= \mu_0\vec{J} + \mu_0\varepsilon_0\frac{\partial\vec{E}}{\partial t}

Line Highlighting ​

To highlight specific lines, simply add line numbers within bracket {}. Line numbers start counting from 1 by default.

$$ {1|3|all}
\nabla \cdot \vec{E} &= \frac{\rho}{\varepsilon_0} \\
\nabla \cdot \vec{B} &= 0 \\
\nabla \times \vec{E} &= -\frac{\partial\vec{B}}{\partial t} \\
\nabla \times \vec{B} &= \mu_0\vec{J} + \mu_0\varepsilon_0\frac{\partial\vec{E}}{\partial t}

The at and finally options of code blocks are also available for LaTeX blocks.

Chemical equations ​

To enable the rendering of chemical equations, the mhchem KaTeX extension needs to be loaded.

Create vite.config.ts with the following content:

import 'katex/contrib/mhchem'

export default {}

Now chemical equations can be rendered properly.

\displaystyle{\ce{B(OH)3 + H2O <--> B(OH)4^- + H+}}

Learn more: Syntax

Released under the MIT License.