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Import Code Snippets ​

You can import code snippets from existing files via the following syntax:

<<< @/snippets/snippet.js


The value of @ corresponds to your package's root directory. It's recommended to put snippets in @/snippets in order to be compatible with the Monaco editor. Alternatively, you can also import from relative paths.

You can also use a VS Code region to only include the corresponding part of the code file:

<<< @/snippets/snippet.js#region-name

To explicitly specify the language of the imported code, you can add a language identifier after:

<<< @/snippets/snippet.js ts

Any code block features like line highlighting and Monaco editor are also supported:

<<< @/snippets/snippet.js {2,3|5}{lines:true}
<<< @/snippets/snippet.js ts {monaco}{height:200px}

Note that you can use {*} as a placeholder of ✨ Line Highlighting:

<<< @/snippets/snippet.js {*}{lines:true}

Released under the MIT License.