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Slidev is fully customizable, from styling to tooling configurations. It allows you to configure the tools underneath (Vite, UnoCSS, Monaco, etc.)

Slides Deck Configs

You can configure the whole slides project in the frontmatter of your first slide (i.e. headmatter). The following shows the default value for each option:

# theme id, package name, or local path
# Learn more:
theme: default
# addons, can be a list of package names or local paths
# Learn more:
addons: []
# title of your slide, will inferred from the first header if not specified
title: Slidev
# titleTemplate for the webpage, `%s` will be replaced by the slides deck's title
titleTemplate: '%s - Slidev'
# information for your slides, can be a Markdown string
info: false
# author field for exported PDF or PPTX
author: Your Name Here
# keywords field for exported PDF, comma-delimited
keywords: keyword1,keyword2

# enable presenter mode, can be boolean, 'dev' or 'build'
presenter: true
# enable browser exporter, can be boolean, 'dev' or 'build'
browserExporter: dev
# enabled pdf downloading in SPA build, can also be a custom url
download: false
# filename of the export file
exportFilename: slidev-exported
# export options
# use export CLI options in camelCase format
# Learn more:
  format: pdf
  timeout: 30000
  dark: false
  withClicks: false
  withToc: false
# enable twoslash, can be boolean, 'dev' or 'build'
twoslash: true
# show line numbers in code blocks
lineNumbers: false
# enable monaco editor, can be boolean, 'dev' or 'build'
monaco: true
# Where to load monaco types from, can be 'cdn', 'local' or 'none'
monacoTypesSource: local
# explicitly specify extra local packages to import the types for
monacoTypesAdditionalPackages: []
# explicitly specify extra local modules as dependencies of monaco runnable
monacoRunAdditionalDeps: []
# download remote assets in local using vite-plugin-remote-assets, can be boolean, 'dev' or 'build'
remoteAssets: false
# controls whether texts in slides are selectable
selectable: true
# enable slide recording, can be boolean, 'dev' or 'build'
record: dev
# enable Slidev's context menu, can be boolean, 'dev' or 'build'
contextMenu: true
# enable wake lock, can be boolean, 'dev' or 'build'
wakeLock: true
# take snapshot for each slide in the overview
overviewSnapshots: false

# force color schema for the slides, can be 'auto', 'light', or 'dark'
colorSchema: auto
# router mode for vue-router, can be "history" or "hash"
routerMode: history
# aspect ratio for the slides
aspectRatio: 16/9
# real width of the canvas, unit in px
canvasWidth: 980
# used for theme customization, will inject root styles as `--slidev-theme-x` for attribute `x`
  primary: '#5d8392'

# favicon, can be a local file path or URL
favicon: ''
# URL of PlantUML server used to render diagrams
# Learn more:
# fonts will be auto-imported from Google fonts
# Learn more:
  sans: Roboto
  serif: Roboto Slab
  mono: Fira Code

# default frontmatter applies to all slides
  layout: default
  # ...

# drawing options
# Learn more:
  enabled: true
  persist: false
  presenterOnly: false
  syncAll: true

# HTML tag attributes
  dir: ltr
  lang: en

Check out the type definitions for more details.

Per-slide Configs

Also every slide accepts the following configuration in its frontmatter block. The following shows the default value for each option:

# custom clicks count
# Learn more:
clicks: 0
# custom start clicks count
clicksStart: 0
# completely disable and hide the slide
disabled: false
# the same as `disabled`
hide: false
# hide the slide for the <Toc> components
hideInToc: false
# defines the layout component applied to the slide
layout: <"cover" if the slide is the first slide, otherwise "default">
# override the title level for the <TitleRenderer> and <Toc> components
# only if `title` has also been declared
level: 1
# mount this slide before entering
preload: true
# create a route alias that can be used in the URL or with the <Link> component
routeAlias: undefined # or string
# includes a markdown file
# Learn more:
src: undefined # or string
# override the title for the <TitleRenderer> and <Toc> components
# only if `title` has also been declared
title: undefined # or string
# defines the transition between the slide and the next one
# Learn more:
transition: undefined # or BuiltinSlideTransition | string | TransitionGroupProps | null
# custom zoom scale
# useful for slides with a lot of content
zoom: 1
# used as positions of draggable elements
# Learn more:
dragPos: {} # type: Record<string, string>

Check out the type definition for more details.

Directory Structure

Slidev uses directory structure conventions to minimalize the configuration surface and make extensions in functionality flexible and intuitive.

Refer to the Directory Structure section.

Config Tools

  • Configure Highlighter
  • Configure Vite and Plugins
  • Configure Vue App
  • Configure UnoCSS
  • Configure Code Runners
  • Configure Transformers
  • Configure Monaco
  • Configure KaTeX
  • Configure Mermaid
  • Configure Routes
  • Configure Shortcuts
  • Configure Context Menu
  • Configure Fonts
  • Configure Pre-Parser
  • Released under the MIT License.